Friday, October 30, 2009

Wedding Ceremony

Holy Matrimony!
You get to take Part, no matter where you are? Yes, we can!

In a perfect world, I would have invited every single person I know to the wedding. Unfortunately, money is a finite resource (for me anyway) and it simply could not be done.

The ceremony itself is not an 'invitation only' event however. So whether you can't get out of work, don't live in the area, or are just plain terrified that entering a church will cause you to instantly erupt into flames, you have the option of attending from the comfort of your very own computer.
For a play-by-play with pictures, follow my tweets starting at 4 PM EST, November 6th in the address listed above or by clicking here! Special thanks to Adam Platt (@platta) for his microblogging expertise.

Too 'new wave' for you? If you are in the area or have lived a life without sin, please join us at the United Methodist Church in Wayne.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wedding in 9 Days

Single Digits One week from Friday... and who knows how it'll all go down? That's what she said. But seriously, I'm finally getting married. And to think I said I would never get married. What a difference time makes. But really, what a difference the right woman makes. I am a lucky guy.

Amy and I have spent so much time planning this wedding. It is so hard to believe that almost 1 year ago I proposed to her. Yet here we are a whole year later swearing we just got engaged. That part is hilarious to us because we thought a year would be pushing it. Turns out not so much. In so much of our lives we have been tested, yet we prevailed every time because we give each other strength. Individually we are strong and successful. Together I don't think there is anything I am afraid to take on with this woman by my side.

November 13, 2008 @ Disney World

I am not confident in just about every decision, though this time I am assured and comforted that this is the best decision I have ever made. Period.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mac Mini with Snow Leopard Server IS a Value Buy!

UPDATE: I just realized how much of a c*ck tease this picture is for the Mac mini. Hello, no optical drive! It's like an impotent dude going to a strip club...
No fun!

I would like to clarify my earlier post. Mac Mini with Snow Leopard is a value buy after all.

How so?
  • Snow Leopard Server for Unlimited Users = $999
  • Snow Leopard Server for Unlimited Users + Mac Mini = $999

Can't believe there's no Solid State Drive option... Actually, the only option is a laptop hard drive. So while, unlike Windows 2003 Server Small Business Server, the software itself is not handicapped, the hardware is, for lack of a better word, impotent.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jupiter Florida Sunrise

Best part of the trip, hands down!

Why didn't I enjoy being in such a beautiful place? The truth is, the people are just too different for me. I guess it is nice to be so laid back all the time... but where is their passion? Besides plastic surgery??? Just kidding, but not really. Gawd there were a lot of fake boobies in Palm Beach.

Enjoy the video!

Seriously! Couldn't they wait until my flight landed?


Just as I am about to board the flight for Jupiter on Tuesday, Apple decides to drop some serious hardware refreshes. I knew it was coming -
seriously, how often is Gruber wrong? - but what a bummer nonetheless. The iPhone is has a best in class web browser, but interestingly enough Apple does not have a mobile page adapted for viewing on an iPhone. Come again? I know, it makes no sense. Luckily, even with AT&T's crap-tacular downloads speeds, I had plenty of time to pinch-zoom and double-tab the finer details of the refresh.

  • iMac - the 27" is totally worth it if you have a plastic iMac. Yuck, that's so 2007. Get rid of it. Even if you have a Mac Pro, get rid of it. Order one of these 27"ers with a Nehalem (that's Core i7) and go to town!
  • Magic Mouse - pass on this one. It has #Fail written all over it's capacitive touch body. I can't believe there's no pinch to zoom controls. WTF, it's on your glass trackpad and iPhone/iPod Touch (@idiots I'm referring to the iTouch). Inexcusable!
  • Plastic Unibody MacBook - What, no black model? What, no price drop? What, no new hardware? What, you dropped the Firewire port and no SD slot? Engadget says your new glossy unibody enclosure scratches. Sorry, a superior battery life ain't going to help you. #Fail.
    What I don't get is Apple learned this lesson with glossy plastic Nanos. Remember how they scratched when you put them in a fucking case? Remember what an embarrassment that was? And you put us through it again? Double #Fail.
  • Mac mini - #Fail. Apple clearly wants to use the mini to say they have a low end Mac, but really to upsell you to the iMac 21.5". But hey, if you're going to get the low end iMac, you're going to feel like an ass because the 27" is SUCH a better value. And if you get the base model 27", you're going to feel like even more of a donkey if you don't upgrade it to a Nehalem. Wow, that got expensive real fast!
Definite #Win for an IT guy who wants to maximize the value of his prior purchases, but I digress. Also, not sure if anyone talks about this. Wiki Server 2 is a good SharePoint competitor! Again, pretty useful for *private* (That part is key!) communications between Aimsters and I. Otherwise, Google Wave has me hanging 10. By the way, anyone want to Wave with me? I've got invites... Getting back to my point, $999.99 for a consumer to share calendars and have a collaborative web site with hardware that is near-impossible for them to perform even the simplest of upgrades smells of #Fail. Can I buy Snow Leopard server and install on Fusion? Will Apple's licensing even permit me to do that... hmm, I think it will. Oh wait, 1 year old iMac can't hold more than 4 GB of RAM. #Fail!!!!

Final Thoughts

I know what you're thinking. Kingston, you arrogant prick, why did you not boot up the laptop and connect to airport WiFi? Actually at the time I didn't think about that, but you're right, that is a good idea.

Obviously, you just can't beat the value the 27" iMac with Nehalem and 16GB of RAM affords you. There really is nothing else like it on the market today. What people fail to realize is that design is not just appearance, rather it is the way it works. The new iMac is a remarkable design that can't be beat. Go Buy It!

Wait, no Solid State Drive option?! Don't buy it!