Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wedding in 9 Days

Single Digits One week from Friday... and who knows how it'll all go down? That's what she said. But seriously, I'm finally getting married. And to think I said I would never get married. What a difference time makes. But really, what a difference the right woman makes. I am a lucky guy.

Amy and I have spent so much time planning this wedding. It is so hard to believe that almost 1 year ago I proposed to her. Yet here we are a whole year later swearing we just got engaged. That part is hilarious to us because we thought a year would be pushing it. Turns out not so much. In so much of our lives we have been tested, yet we prevailed every time because we give each other strength. Individually we are strong and successful. Together I don't think there is anything I am afraid to take on with this woman by my side.

November 13, 2008 @ Disney World

I am not confident in just about every decision, though this time I am assured and comforted that this is the best decision I have ever made. Period.

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